Safety Statement

Quality and Safety

"Safety is a team effort"

Solv-Echem Ireland Limited, as a chemical distribution company, is committed to ensuring that a safe and healthy work place, in as far as is reasonably practicable, is provided and that all relevant statutory requirements will be complied with. Solv-Echem Ireland Limited is committed to prevention of accidents and injuries in the workplace as well as committing to requirements on Health & Safety in the workplace.

Solv-Echem Ireland Limited will ensure that in so far as is reasonably practicable, we will provide the following:-

* Safe places of work, with safe means of access and egress with safe equipment and systems of work.
* Appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision with the provision of suitable protective clothing and equipment, where hazards cannot be eliminated.
* Emergency plans which will be subject to revision and designation of emergency duties to appropriate staff.

The Solv-Echem Ireland Safety Policy is to be followed by all staff members, contractors on site and visitors to our premises. We commit to maintain and awareness and respond to community concerns. Co-operation is required, for the implementation of our safety policy, from all employees in our organisation. All employees are invited to submit suggestions and ideas for improvement of the safety policy. The safety statement and safety policy is reviewed each year at the management review agenda.